Guest Post // When the Questions Go Unanswered


Letting God, Be God, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 24×14”

A mirrored image reflects a girl bowing down, facing away from the viewer. The mirror is cracked, held in place with barbed wire and surrounded by journal pieces and splotches of paint. This artwork is a conceptual piece that explores the age-old questions of suffering and the sovereignty of God.

While I can’t provide satisfying answers, I want to lead you on my journey of discovery as I created this piece. Continue reading

You Could Call God a Wedding Planner

The morning before my husband, Jesse, proposed, I was awoken by a startling dream. In the dream, I stood on a riverbank with raging waters flowing past me. A large, scary wolf stood on the opposite bank, snarling and frustrated that it could not cross the river to get to me. Just as Moses’s face shone after spending time in the presence of God, my mind glowed with the supernatural. I knew the dream held a message for me in it. Since I had no major plans for the day (at least that I knew of), I sat in my light-filled breakfast nook, clutching my coffee mug with an unsettled mind bent on prayer. I couldn’t grasp the significance of the dream. Continue reading

How Writing is Helping Me Process Losing My Mom

I was struggling to get the whisk attachment out of the mixing bowl when I was hit with the question I’d been dreading:

“So, are you going to see your mom for Mother’s Day?” my coworker asked as we made whipped cream side by side in the kitchen of the dessert shop where we worked together.

She had unwittingly stumbled upon an awkward line of conversation for me. I took a deep breath and replied: Continue reading