So this week my husband and I are going to an undisclosed location for our delayed honeymoon. And by undisclosed I mean it rhymes with Jawaii. I know, you are already rolling your eyes across the computer screen because no one likes to hear about another person going to a tropical location while rain, cold, and pre-Christmas blues are imminent (I went for a walk yesterday and someone already had a Christmas Countdown clock displayed in their window!). Like my Dad reminded me last night, “You get to go to Jawaii and you didn’t even have to win it on The Wheel of Fortune!” True, true. To which my husband and I started making jokes about ALREADY winning the lottery/jackpot/sweepstakes when we married each other. Swoon.*
*Yes, I fully acknowledge we will be that old couple making puns and jokes that embarrass our grandkids to no end. It’s good for them young’ns!
Why did I get rid of those blue sunglasses? Regrets…
Here are some links to “tide” you over until we get back:
Gilmore girls might be coming back and in case you don’t have Facebook now you know:
Babies riding on Roombas. No other explanation needed:
Tom Hanks and Jimmy Fallon act out scripts written by kids, for kids:
Movie trailer my sis sent me about British suffragettes. Contemplating dressing up in full sash/hat/picket sign period garb for midnight premiere.
Time to pack. Blog writing as a form of procrastinating packing has now commenced.
Votes for women!