11 Ways to Make Friends After College

In college, you can build relationships easily because of a common shared experience: you’re all students!

As soon as you walk across the stage and accept that diploma, you may find yourself suddenly untethered from your previous community. You might interact with your coworkers more than anyone else. You might move back in with your parents. You might be considering going back to school, peace corps, or traveling for a bit. Maybe you’re getting married or even starting a family.

Post-college friendships, on the other hand, Continue reading

The Ten Year Challenge We Should Be Doing.

Maybe it’s my introspective brain, but I feel like there is something missing to the “10 Year Challenge.”

For those of you who don’t know, the “10 Year Challenge,” is a popular trend where  people post on facebook their profile picture from 10 years ago contrasted with their current profile picture. The premise of this challenge is “How Hard Did Aging Hit You?” which is kind of funny and (mostly) harmless.

What if we actually took the time to reflect on how we’ve changed the last ten years? Instead of just laughing at outdated styles, baby cheeks, and hairlines, we instead took an introspective look and asked ourselves: “How have I changed in the last 10 years?” “What would I tell myself then, that I now know?”

I don’t want my next ten years to be measured solely on my physical appearance.

I don’t want to forget what the Lord has taught me these last ten years.

So here’s my #10YearChallenge. I’m writing a letter to the person I was 10 years ago…

                                        Dear Me of Ten Years Ago,

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Take a Moment to Breathe

Between my sister and I, we’ve spent a total combined 15 years on the swim team. A lot of people find competitive swimming to be difficult because they see it like running underwater. Go as far as you would on your two feet on dry land but try to not breathe. When really swimming is all about the breathing. Making sure you let the air out when your head is in the water and that you quickly and efficiently raise your head for a millisecond to get air. You can get as strong as you want — but if you don’t learn how to breathe well in the water you’ll never get very far. Continue reading